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postgres=# explain select dept.no_emps,emp.age from dept,emp where emp.name = dept.mgr and dept.dept_name = 'shoe'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hash Join (cost=19.30..45.07 rows=23 width=8) Hash Cond: ((emp.name)::text = (dept.mgr)::text) -> Seq Scan on emp (cost=0.00..21.30 rows=1130 width=42) -> Hash (cost=19.25..19.25 rows=4 width=42) -> Seq Scan on dept (cost=0.00..19.25 rows=4 width=42) Filter: ((dept_name)::text = 'shoe'::text)(6 rows)postgres=#
通过对代码的跟踪,可以看到 ExecInitNode被执行了四次。
每次都运行时的 NodeTag依次是:
正好和用 explain看到的顺序相同。
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecInitHashJoin * * Init routine for HashJoin node. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */HashJoinState *ExecInitHashJoin(HashJoin *node, EState *estate, int eflags){ HashJoinState *hjstate; Plan *outerNode; Hash *hashNode; List *lclauses; List *rclauses; List *hoperators; ListCell *l; /* check for unsupported flags */ Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK))); /* * create state structure */ hjstate = makeNode(HashJoinState); hjstate->js.ps.plan = (Plan *) node; hjstate->js.ps.state = estate; /* * Miscellaneous initialization * * create expression context for node */ ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &hjstate->js.ps); /* * initialize child expressions */ hjstate->js.ps.targetlist = (List *) ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->join.plan.targetlist, (PlanState *) hjstate); hjstate->js.ps.qual = (List *) ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->join.plan.qual, (PlanState *) hjstate); hjstate->js.jointype = node->join.jointype; hjstate->js.joinqual = (List *) ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->join.joinqual, (PlanState *) hjstate); hjstate->hashclauses = (List *) ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->hashclauses, (PlanState *) hjstate); /* * initialize child nodes * * Note: we could suppress the REWIND flag for the inner input, which * would amount to betting that the hash will be a single batch. Not * clear if this would be a win or not. */ outerNode = outerPlan(node); hashNode = (Hash *) innerPlan(node); outerPlanState(hjstate) = ExecInitNode(outerNode, estate, eflags); innerPlanState(hjstate) = ExecInitNode((Plan *) hashNode, estate, eflags); /* * tuple table initialization */ ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &hjstate->js.ps); hjstate->hj_OuterTupleSlot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate); /* set up null tuples for outer joins, if needed */ switch (node->join.jointype) { case JOIN_INNER: case JOIN_SEMI: break; case JOIN_LEFT: case JOIN_ANTI: hjstate->hj_NullInnerTupleSlot = ExecInitNullTupleSlot(estate, ExecGetResultType(innerPlanState(hjstate))); break; case JOIN_RIGHT: hjstate->hj_NullOuterTupleSlot = ExecInitNullTupleSlot(estate, ExecGetResultType(outerPlanState(hjstate))); break; case JOIN_FULL: hjstate->hj_NullOuterTupleSlot = ExecInitNullTupleSlot(estate, ExecGetResultType(outerPlanState(hjstate))); hjstate->hj_NullInnerTupleSlot = ExecInitNullTupleSlot(estate, ExecGetResultType(innerPlanState(hjstate))); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized join type: %d", (int) node->join.jointype); } /* * now for some voodoo. our temporary tuple slot is actually the result * tuple slot of the Hash node (which is our inner plan). we can do this * because Hash nodes don't return tuples via ExecProcNode() -- instead * the hash join node uses ExecScanHashBucket() to get at the contents of * the hash table. -cim 6/9/91 */ { HashState *hashstate = (HashState *) innerPlanState(hjstate); TupleTableSlot *slot = hashstate->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot; hjstate->hj_HashTupleSlot = slot; } /* * initialize tuple type and projection info */ ExecAssignResultTypeFromTL(&hjstate->js.ps); ExecAssignProjectionInfo(&hjstate->js.ps, NULL); ExecSetSlotDescriptor(hjstate->hj_OuterTupleSlot, ExecGetResultType(outerPlanState(hjstate))); /* * initialize hash-specific info */ hjstate->hj_HashTable = NULL; hjstate->hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot = NULL; hjstate->hj_CurHashValue = 0; hjstate->hj_CurBucketNo = 0; hjstate->hj_CurSkewBucketNo = INVALID_SKEW_BUCKET_NO; hjstate->hj_CurTuple = NULL; /* * Deconstruct the hash clauses into outer and inner argument values, so * that we can evaluate those subexpressions separately. Also make a list * of the hash operator OIDs, in preparation for looking up the hash * functions to use. */ lclauses = NIL; rclauses = NIL; hoperators = NIL; foreach(l, hjstate->hashclauses) { FuncExprState *fstate = (FuncExprState *) lfirst(l); OpExpr *hclause; Assert(IsA(fstate, FuncExprState)); hclause = (OpExpr *) fstate->xprstate.expr; Assert(IsA(hclause, OpExpr)); lclauses = lappend(lclauses, linitial(fstate->args)); rclauses = lappend(rclauses, lsecond(fstate->args)); hoperators = lappend_oid(hoperators, hclause->opno); } hjstate->hj_OuterHashKeys = lclauses; hjstate->hj_InnerHashKeys = rclauses; hjstate->hj_HashOperators = hoperators; /* child Hash node needs to evaluate inner hash keys, too */ ((HashState *) innerPlanState(hjstate))->hashkeys = rclauses; hjstate->js.ps.ps_TupFromTlist = false; hjstate->hj_JoinState = HJ_BUILD_HASHTABLE; hjstate->hj_MatchedOuter = false; hjstate->hj_OuterNotEmpty = false; return hjstate;}
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecInitHashJoin * * Init routine for HashJoin node. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */HashJoinState *ExecInitHashJoin(HashJoin *node, EState *estate, int eflags){ HashJoinState *hjstate; Plan *outerNode; Hash *hashNode; List *lclauses; List *rclauses; List *hoperators; ListCell *l; ... /* * initialize child nodes * * Note: we could suppress the REWIND flag for the inner input, which * would amount to betting that the hash will be a single batch. Not * clear if this would be a win or not. */ outerNode = outerPlan(node); hashNode = (Hash *) innerPlan(node); outerPlanState(hjstate) = ExecInitNode(outerNode, estate, eflags); innerPlanState(hjstate) = ExecInitNode((Plan *) hashNode, estate, eflags); ... return hjstate;}
outerNode = outerPlan(node) 就是: outerNode = (((Plan *)(node))->lefttree)
hashNode = (Hash *) innerPlan(node) 就是:hashNode = (((Plan *)(node))->righttree)outerPlanState(hjstate) 就是 (((PlanState *)(hjstate))->lefttree)
innerPlanState(hjstate就是 (((PlanState *)(hjstate))->righttree)
或者说,在对 Hash 节点进行处理的时候,要分别处理左节点和右节点。